So Here is the list of Top water Treatment Companies in India which are sorted out based on the total sales (Revenue).
List of Top Water Treatment Companies in India
So here is the list of Top Water Treatment Companies in India based on the total Sales (Revenue).
1. Va Tech Wabag Ltd
VA Tech WABAG is one of the Global Leaders in Water and Wastewater Treatment Solutions. Dedicated to revolutionise water treatment, the company merge innovative technology and experience with classical engineering for municipal and industrial water treatment.
The Company foundation is based on the convergence of nature, biochemistry and engineering, resulting in cutting-edge R&D and a strong value proposition.
- Revenue: ₹ 3,087 Cr
- Dividend Yield: 0.00 %
- ROCE: 12.8 %
- ROE: 8.52 %
- Face Value: ₹ 2.00
- Promoter holding: 21.7 %
- Debt to equity: 0.34
WABAG is present across four Continents – Asia, Africa, Europe and South America – over 20 countries. The Company, with such wide presence, possesses a clear business understanding of regions like the South East Asia, Middle East, Africa, Europe and Latin America.
The Company Bagged a contract with the Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (BUIDCO). The project is for improvement of water supply system
in Bhagalpur Municipal Corporation, Bihar, India.
2. Indian Hume Pipe Company Ltd
Walchand was born on 23rd November 1882 in Solapur, Maharashtra. His patriotic fervour broke through the shackles of the conventional modes of business. It became a matter of challenge to him to prove India’s competence to the world at large.
In spite of negligible moral and financial support from his family, Walchand’s first step towards his stupendously then successful entrepreneurial career was a small railway contract.
- Revenue: ₹ 1,587 Cr
- Dividend Yield: 1.06 %
- ROCE: 10.9 %
- ROE: 7.01 %
- Face Value: ₹ 2.00
- Promoter holding: 69.9 %
- Debt to equity: 1.02
He then joined hands with Tata Sons in the starting of the Tata Construction Company, which executed major projects for Bombay Municipal Corporation and Bombay Port Trust. Subsequently, Walchand completed the construction of the Bhor Ghat tunnels ahead of schedule, a Project considered to be beyond the capabilities of any Indian company.
He formed The Premier Construction Company and its fully owned subsidiary Hindustan Construction Company was incorporated to build dams, power houses, jetties, bridges, docks, etc.
One of the most challenging and prestigious project executed by this company was the construction of the Power House of the Koyna Project Stage 1 to Stage 4, deep in the heart of a solid granite mountain. Walchand with his foresight and a multi-dimensional talent forged success after success.
S.NO | Company Name | Total Revenue (Cr) | Return on Equity | 5Y Avg Return on Equity | ROCE | Ticker |
1 | Va Tech Wabag Ltd | 2848.45 | 8.5 | 9.7 | 12.3 | WABAG |
2 | Indian Hume Pipe Company Ltd | 1268.66 | 7.1 | 16.42 | 19.0 | INDIANHUME |
3 | Felix Industries Ltd | 3.02 | -8.6 | -2.7 | -7.26 | FELIX |
3. Felix Industries
Felix Industries is a future-smart corporate movement in Environmental Conservation, spearheaded by a philosophy / modus operandi of: Recycling (waste water), Re-using(waste water),Recovering (products)& Reducing (effluents).
Following this ‘Recycle – Reuse – Recover – Reduce’ axiom, Felix Identifies, explores and utilizes ANY opportunity that enables Water Processing, Purification and Recycling – viewing it as a small but strong step that adds strength to human race’s fight to ensure water sufficiency for future generations.
The water reclamation solutions offered by Felix Industries Ltd include: Water & Wastewater Recycling Systems (Zero Liquid Discharge Systems, Water Recovery Systems, Effluent Recycling Systems, Reverse Osmosis Membrane Systems, Ultra-Filtration & Nano-Filtration Systems, and Pre-Treatment & Post-Treatment Chemicals), and E-Waste Recycling Systems.
So finally these are the list of Top Water Treatment Companies in India which are sorted out based on the total sales.