UPL Ltd is principally engaged in the agro business of production and sale of agrochemicals, field crops, vegetable seeds and non agro business of production and sale of industrial chemicals, chemical intermediates, speciality chemicals.
- 5th Largest Crop Protection Chemicals company globally (* Trailing Twelve Months basis)
- US$ 5,040M Revenue
- 138+ Countries
- 90% Access to the global market
UPL Limited is a public company domiciled in India and is incorporated under the
provisions of the companies act applicable in India. Its shares are listed on two recognised stock exchanges in India. The registered office of the company is located at 3-11, G.I.D.C., Vapi, Dist.- Valsad, Gujarat.

UPL Ltd Profile
UPL is focused on emerging as a premier global provider of total crop solutions designed to secure the world’s long-term food supply. The company become 5th largest agrochemical company in the world, after the acquisition of Arysta LifeScience, UPL is a global leader in global food systems. With a revenue of US$5,040 Million, UPL is now present in 138+ countries.

The company market access to 90% of the world’s food basket and are focused on ushering growth and progress for the complete agricultural value chain including growers, distributors, suppliers and innovation partners.
The offer an integrated portfolio of both patented and post-patent agricultural solutions for various arable and specialty crops, including biological, crop protection, seed treatment and post-harvest solutions covering the entire crop value chain.
Year (₹ Cr) | Mar-19 | Mar-20 | Mar-21 | Mar-22 | Mar-23 |
Equity | 14,613 | 19,129 | 20,734 | 24,508 | 29,694 |
Debt | 29,139 | 29,388 | 24,519 | 26,746 | 23,939 |
Capital | 43,752 | 48,517 | 45,253 | 51,254 | 53,633 |
Cash from Operation | 2,356 | 8,739 | 7,212 | 6,496 | 7,751 |
Cash ROCE | 5% | 18% | 16% | 13% | 14% |
Products and Brands of UPL Ltd
There is a wide range of UPL products to meet your farming needs. These include sustainable solutions for seeds, crop protection, plant stress and stimulation, post-harvest, soil and water technologies, and aquatics. With the use of agriculture technology, high-yield seeds are provided to farmers worldwide by UPL. These disease-resistant seeds cater to region-specific demands with proprietary technology from UPL.
Crop protection products include herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and acaricides, seed treatment, adjuvants, and Pronutiva. Herbicides like Goosegrass and Common Ragweed ensure complete control and elimination of yield-threatening weeds. These are sustainable solutions compared to crop burndown. Solutions include formulations to tackle glyphosate-resistance and kill weeds using real-time data from the field.
UPL fungicide products like Mancozeb formulations multisite, protective action on contact, for fighting disease-resistant fungi. Insecticides and Acaricides protect crops from insects for high yields and quality.
Seed treatment products protect crops from broad-spectrum insect attacks along with improved immunity and uniform germination. Adjuvants enhance the effectiveness of crop protection UPL products in strategic partnership with Evonik through non-ionic surfactants.

UPL has integrated natural biosolutions with conventional crop protection products through its exclusive program ProNutiva. There has been less incidence of phytotoxicity in crops, less stress during high temperature, lower residue level with high effectiveness, and high-quality yields. Better resistance and residue management, improved crop protection, higher yields, and better quality have been possible due to the application of IoT in agriculture.
UPL products for plant stress and stimulation include growth vitality technology like Pilatus for better plant metabolism, seaweed-extract-based BM Start for increasing fruit set and improving harvest quality, Gainexa FC for improved crop standability, and Foltron for reducing abiotic stress impact.
Post-harvest products from UPL include Quickphos for grain storage and Decco with high-quality coatings for fruit storage. Soil and water technologies like Zeba helps water live longer by providing soil conditioning, water-holding, reduced nutrient leaching, and positive environmental impact. It can be applied in agriculture, turf and ornamental, nurseries, homes and gardens, and industrial needs.
UPL aquatic solutions protect waters against invasive aquatic plants and algae. There are two broad categories where these solutions can be used, irrigation canals and reservoirs, lakes, and ponds. UPL products for reservoirs, lakes, and ponds include aquatic herbicides like Aquastrike. Irrigation solutions include Cascade and Teton for submerged weed and algae control.
Subsidiaries of UPL Ltd
List of Subsidiaries of UPL Ltd. Full List of subsidiary with their country is given below.
- 1 Shroffs United Chemicals Limited India
- 2 SWAL Corporation Limited India
- 3 United Phosphorus (India) LLP India
- 4 United Phosphorus Global LLP India
- 5 Optima Farm Solutions Limited India
- 6 UPL Europe Limited United Kingdom
- 7 UPL Deutschland GmbH Germany $$1
- 8 United Phosphorus Polska Sp.z o.o – Poland Poland
- 9 UPL Benelux B.V. Netherlands
- 10 Cerexagri B.V. Netherlands
- 11 United Phosphorus Holdings Cooperatief U.A. Netherlands
- 12 United Phosphorus Holdings B.V. Netherlands
- 13 Decco Worldwide Post-Harvest Holdings Cooperatief U.A. Netherlands
- 14 Decco Worldwide Post-Harvest Holdings B.V. Netherlands
- 15 United Phosphorus Holding, Brazil B.V. Netherlands
- 16 UPL Italia S.R.L. Italy
- 17 UPL Iberia, S.A. Spain
- 18 Decco Iberica Postcosecha, S.A.U. Spain
- 19 Transterra Invest, S. L. U. Spain
- 20 Cerexagri S.A.S. France
- 21 Neo-Fog S.A. France
- 22 UPL France France
- 23 United Phosphorus Switzerland Limited Switzerland
- 24 Agrodan, ApS Denmark
- 25 Decco Italia SRL Italy
- 26 Limited Liability Company “UPL” Russia
- 27 Decco Portugal Post Harvest LDA (formerly known as UPL Portugal Unipessoal LDA) Portugal
- 28 UPL NA Inc. (formerly known as United Phosphorus Inc.) USA
- 29 UPI Finance LLC USA
- 30 Cerexagri, Inc. (PA) USA
- 31 UPL Delaware, Inc. USA
- 32 Canegrass LLC USA
- 33 Decco US Post-Harvest Inc USA
- 34 RiceCo LLC USA
- 35 Riceco International, Inc. Bahamas
- 36 UPL Corporation Limited Mauritius
- 37 UPL Management DMCC United Arab Emirates
- 38 UPL Limited Gibraltar
- 39 UPL Agro S.A. de C.V. Mexico
- 40 Decco PostHarvest Mexico (Formerly Known as Decco Jifkins Mexico Sapi) Mexico
- 41 Uniphos Industria e Comercio de Produtos Quimicos Ltda. Brazil
- 42 Upl do Brasil Industria e Comércio de Insumos Agropecuários S.A. Brazil $$2
- 43 UPL Costa Rica S.A. Costa Rica
- 44 UPL Bolivia S.R.L Bolivia
- 45 UPL Paraguay S.A. Paraguay
- 46 Icona Sanluis S.A. Argentina
- 47 UPL Argentina S A Argentina
- 48 Decco Chile SpA Chile
- 49 UPL Colombia SAS Colombia
- 50 United Phosphorus Cayman Limited Cayman Islands
- 51 UP Aviation Limited Cayman Islands
- 52 UPL Australia Limited Australia
- 53 UPL New Zealand Limited New Zealand
- 54 UPL Shanghai Limited China
- 55 UPL Limited Korea Co.Ltd. (Formerly known as United Phosphorus (Korea) Limited) Korea
- 56 PT.UPL Indonesia Indonesia
- 57 PT Catur Agrodaya Mandiri Indonesia
- 58 UPL Limited,Hong Kong( Formerly Known as United Phosphorus Limited, Hongkong) Hong Kong
- 59 UPL Philippines Inc. Philippines
- 60 UPL Vietnam Co. Limited Vietnam
- 61 UPL Japan GK (Formerly Known as UPL Limited, Japan) Japan
- 62 Anning Decco Fine Chemical Co. Limited China
- 63 UPL Ziraat Ve Kimya Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi Turkey
- 64 UPL Agromed Tohumculuk Sa, Turkey Turkey
- 65 Safepack Products Limited Israel
- 66 Citrashine (Pty) Ltd South Africa
- 67 Prolong Limited Israel
- 68 Perrey Participações S.A Brazil
- 69 Agrinet Solutions Limited India
- 70 Advanta Netherlands Holding B.V. Netherlands
- 71 Advanta Semillas SAIC Argentina
- 72 Advanta Holdings B.V. Netherlands
- 73 Advanta Seeds International Mauritius
- 74 Pacific Seeds Holdings (Thailand) Limited Thailand
- 75 Pacific Seeds (Thai) Limited Thailand
- 76 Advanta Seeds Pty Ltd Australia
- 77 Advanta US LLC (formerly known as Advanta U.S. Inc.) USA
- 78 Advanta Comercio De Sementes LTDA. Brazil
- 79 PT Advanta Seeds Indonesia Indonesia
- 80 Advanta Seeds DMCC United Arab Emirates
- 81 Essentiv LCC USA
- 82 UPL Limited Mauritius (Formely known as UPL Agro Limited Mauritius) Mauritius
- 83 UPL Jiangsu Limited China
- 84 Riceco International Bangladesh Ltd Bangladesh
- 85 Uniphos Malaysia Sdn Bhd Malaysia
- 86 Advanta Seeds Ukraine LLC Ukraine
- 87 Decco Gıda Tarım ve Zirai Ürünler San. Tic A.S. Turkey
- 88 Arysta LifeScience Investments LLC USA
- 89 Arysta LifeScience America Inc. USA
- 90 ANESA S.A. Belgium
- 91 Arysta LifeScience Management Company, LLC USA
- 92 Arysta LifeScience SPC, LLC USA
- 93 Arysta LifeScience India Limited India
- 94 Arysta LifeScience Agriservice Private Limited India
- 95 Arysta LifeScience Togo SAU Togo
- 96 Arysta Agro Private Limited India
- 97 Arysta LifeScience do Brasil Indústria Química e Agropecuária SA Brazil
- 98 Volcano Agrociencia Industria e Comercio de Defensivos Agricolas Ltda Brazil
- 100 UPL Agrosolutions Canada Inc (Formerly Known as Arysta LifeScience Canada, Inc.) Canada
- 101 Arysta LifeScience Canada BC Inc. Canada
- 102 Arysta LifeScience North America, LLC USA @1
- 103 Arysta LifeScience NA Holding LLC USA @1
- 104 Arysta LifeScience Inc. USA @1
- 105 Arysta LifeScience Services LLP India @1
- 106 Arysta LifeScience France SAS France @1, $$3
- 107 Arysta LifeScience Benelux SPRL Belgium @1
- 108 Arysta LifeScience (Mauritius) Ltd Mauritius @1
- 109 UPL South Africa (Pty) Ltd ( Formerly Known as Arysta LifeScience South Africa (Pty) Ltd) South Africa @1
- 110 Arysta Health and Nutrition Sciences Corporation Japan @1
- 111 Arysta LifeScience Corporation Japan @1
- 112 Arysta LifeScience S.A.S. France @1
- 113 Arysta LifeScience Chile S.A. Chile @1
- 114 Arysta LifeScience Mexico, S.A.de C.V Mexico @1
- 115 Grupo Bioquimico Mexicano, S.A. de C.V. Mexico @1
- 116 UPL Agricultural Solutions Netherlands BV Netherlands
- 117 Arysta LifeScience UK & Ireland Ltd U.K. @1
- 118 Arysta LifeScience Europe Sarl France @1, $$4
- 119 UPL Agricultural Solutions Italy @1
- 120 Platform Sales Suisse GmbH Switzerland @1
- 121 UPL Agricultural Solutions Holdings BV
- 122 Dutch Agricultural Investment Partners LLC Netherlands @1
- 123 Netherlands Agricultural Investment Partners LLC Netherlands @1
- 124 Arysta LifeScience Bulgaria EOOD Bulgaria @1
- 125 Arysta LifeScience Romania SRL Romania @1
- 126 Arysta LifeScience Kiev LLC Ukraine @1
- 127 Arysta LifeScience Great Britain Ltd U.K. @1
- 128 Arysta LifeScience Technology BV Netherlands @1
- 129 Arysta LifeScience Netherlands BV Netherlands @1
- 130 Arysta LifeScience RUS LLC Russia @1
- 131 Netherlands Agricultural Technologies CV Netherlands @1, $
- 132 Dutch Agricultural Formations CV Netherlands @1, $
- 133 Arysta LifeScience Turkey Tarim Urunleri Limited Sirketi Turkey @1
- 134 Arysta LifeScience Australia Pty Ltd. Australia @1
- 135 Chemtura (Thailand) Ltd Thailand @1
- 136 MacDermid (Shanghai) Chemical Ltd. China @1
- 137 Arysta-LifeScience Ecuador S.A. Ecuador @1
- 138 Arysta LifeScience Ougrée Production Sprl Belgium @1
- 139 Arysta LifeScience Hellas S.A. Plant Protection, Nutrition and Other Related Products and Services Greece
- 140 Naturagri Soluciones, SLU (Formerly known as Arysta LifeScience Iberia SLU) Spain @1
- 141 Arysta Lifescience Italia SrL Italy
- 142 Agriphar Poland Sp. Zoo Poland
- 143 Arysta LifeScience Switzerland Sarl Switzerland
- 144 Vetophama SAS (Formerly known as Arysta Animal Health SAS) France
- 145 PPWJ Sci France
- 146 Vetopharma Iberica SL (Formerly known as Santamix Iberica SL, Spain) Spain
- 147 Arysta LifeScience Global Services Limited Ireland
- 148 Arysta LifeScience European Investments Limited U.K.
- 149 Arysta LifeScience U.K. Limited U.K.
- 150 Arysta LifeScience U.K. CAD Limited U.K.
- 151 Arysta LifeScience U.K. EUR Limited U.K.
- 152 Arysta LifeScience U.K. JPY Limited U.K.
- 153 Arysta LifeScience U.K. USD Limited U.K.
- 154 Arysta Lifescience U.K. Holdings Limited U.K.
- 155 Arysta LifeScience Japan Holdings Goudou Kaisha Japan
- 156 Arysta LifeScience Cameroun SA Cameroon
- 157 Callivoire SGFD S.A. Cote D’Ivoire @1
- 158 Arysta LifeScience Egypt Ltd Egypt @1
- 159 Calli Ghana Ltd. Ghana @1
- 160 Arysta LifeScience Kenya Ltd. Kenya @1
- 161 Mali Protection Des Cultures (M.P.C.) SA Mali @1
- 162 Agrifocus Limitada Mozambique @1
- 163 Arysta LifeScience Holdings SA (Pty) Ltd South Africa @1
- 164 Anchorprops 39 (Pty) Ltd South Africa @1
- 165 Callietha Investments (Pty) Ltd South Africa @1
- 166 Sidewalk Trading (Pty) Ltd South Africa @1
- 167 Volcano Agroscience (Pty) Ltd South Africa @1
- 168 Volcano Chemicals (Pty) Ltd South Africa @1
- 169 Arysta LifeScience Tanzania Ltd Tanzania @1
- 170 Arysta LifeScience (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. China @1
- 171 Pt. Arysta LifeScience Tirta Indonesia Indonesia @1
- 172 Arysta LifeScience Korea Ltd. Korea @1
- 173 Arysta LifeScience Pakistan (Pvt.) LTD. Pakistan @1
- 174 Arysta LifeScience Philippines Inc. Philippines @1
- 175 Arysta LifeScience Asia Pte., Ltd. Singapore @1
- 176 Arysta LifeScience (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Thailand @1
- 177 Arysta LifeScience Vietnam Co., Ltd. Vietnam @1
- 178 Arysta LifeScience Holdings France SAS France @1
- 179 Goëmar Développement SAS France @1, $$6
- 180 Laboratoires Goëmar SAS France @1
- 181 Natural Plant Protection S.A.S. France @1
- 182 Arysta LifeScience Czech s.r.o. Czech Rpb @1
- 183 UPL Deutschland GmbH, (formerly known as Arysta LifeScience Germany GmbH) Germany
- 184 Arysta LifeScience Magyarorszag Kft. Hungary @1
- 185 UPL Polska Sp. z.o.o ( formerly known as Arysta LifeScience Polska Sp. z.o.o) Poland @1
- 186 Betel Reunion S.A. Reunion(Fr) @1
- 187 Arysta LifeScience Vostok Ltd. Russia @1
- 188 Arysta LifeScience Slovakia S.R.O. Slovakia @1
- 189 Arysta LifeScience Ukraine LLC Ukraine @1
- 190 Arysta LifeScience Global Limited U.K. @1
- 191 Arysta LifeScience Argentina S.A. Argentina @1
- 192 Arysta LifeScience Colombia S.A.S Colombia @1
- 193 Arysta LifeScience CentroAmerica, S.A. Guatemala @1
- 194 Arysta LifeScience Mexico Holding S.A.de C.V Mexico @1
- 195 Bioenzymas S.A. de C.V. Mexico @1
- 196 Desarrollos Inmobiliarios Alianza de Coahuila, S.A. de C.V. Mexico @1
- 197 Omega Agroindustrial, S.A. de C.V. Mexico @1
- 198 Agroquimicos y Semillas, S.A. de C.V. Mexico @1
- 199 Servicios Agricolas Mundiales SA de CV Mexico @1
- 200 Tecno Extractos Vegetales, S.A. de C.V. Mexico @1
- 201 Tesaurus Mexico S.A. de C.V. Mexico @1
- 202 Arysta LifeScience Paraguay S.R.L. Paraguay @1
- 203 Arysta LifeScience Peru S.A.C Peru @1
- 204 Arysta LifeScience Costa Rica SA. Costa Rica @1
- 205 Arysta LifeScience de Guatemala, S.A. Guatemala @1
- 206 Arysta LifeScience S.R.L. Bolivia @1
- 207 Myanmar Arysta LifeScience Co., Ltd. Myanmar @1
- 208 Arysta LifeScience U.K. BRL Limited U.K. @1
- 209 Etec Crop Solutions Limited New Zealand @1
- 210 MacDermid Agricultural Solutions Australia Pty Ltd Australia @1
- 211 Arvesta Corporation USA @1
- 212 Arysta LifeScience Registrations Great Britain Ltd U.K. @1
- 213 Agriphar SDN BHD Malaysia @1
- 214 Agriphar de Costa Rica SA Costa Rica @1, $
- 215 Agriphar de Colombia SAS Colombia @1, $
- 216 Industrias Agriphar SA Guatemala @1
- 217 Kempton Chemicals (Pty) Ltd South Africa @1, $
- 218 Agripraza Ltda. Portugal @1
- 219 Arysta LifeScience Corporation Republica Dominicana, SRL Dominican Rpb @1
- 220 Grupo Bioquimico Mexicano Republica Dominicana SA Dominican Rpb @1
- 221 Arysta LifeScience Ecuador S.A. Ecuador @1, $
- 222 Arvesta Paraguay S.A. Paraguay @1
- 223 Arysta Agroquimicos y Fertilzantes Uruguay SA Uruguay @1
- 224 Arysta LifeScience U.K. USD-2 Limited U.K. @1
- 225 Industrias Bioquim Centroamericana, Sociedad Anónima Costa Rica #1
- 226 Procultivos, Sociedad Anónim Costa Rica #1
- 227 Inversiones Lapislazuli Marino, Sociedad Anónima (w.e.f. June 26, 2019) Costa Rica #1
- 228 Bioquim, Sociedad Anónima Costa Rica #1
- 229 Bioquim Panama, Sociedad Anónima Panama #1
- 230 Bionic Nicaragua, Sociedad Anónima (w.e.f. June 26, 2019) Nicaragua #1
- 231 Biochemisch Dominicana, Sociedad De Responsabilidad Limitada Dominican Republic #1
- 232 Nutriquim De Guatemala, Sociedad Anónima Guatemala #1
- 233 UPL Agro Ltd Hong Kong #
- 234 UPL Portugal Unipessoal, Ltda. Portugal #
- 235 UPL Services LLC USA #
- 236 United Phosphorus Holdings Uk Ltd U.K. #
- 237 AFS Agtech Pvt. Limited India #
- 238 Natural Plant Protection Limited India
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