NSE SME Listed Companies stocks, NSE’s SME platform “EMERGE”, offers emerging businesses a new and viable option for raising equity capital from a diversified set of investors in an efficient manner. These companies have the potential to unlock value and emerge on a bigger stage.
It is a platform for the best of emerging corporate to raise capital from Institutional investors and HNIs.
NSE SME Listed Companies
NSE SME Platform EMERGE is a credible and efficient markets place to bring about convergence of sophisticated investors and emerging corporates in the country. EMERGE can play the critical role of significantly improving access to risk capital for emerging companies.
At the same time, this platform will provide investors with exciting opportunities to invest in promising SME’s / technology Startups.
So here is the list of NSE SME Listed Companies which are sorted out by alphabetical order.
AAATECH | Aaa Technologies Limited | SM | 13-Oct-20 | 10 | INE0D0U01013 | 10 |
ABINFRA | A B Infrabuild Limited | SM | 12-Jul-19 | 10 | INE00YB01017 | 10 |
ACCORD | Accord Synergy Limited | SM | 06-Jul-17 | 10 | INE113X01015 | 10 |
ACEINTEG | Ace Integrated Solutions Limited | SM | 13-Jul-17 | 10 | INE543V01017 | 10 |
AHIMSA | Ahimsa Industries Limited | SM | 15-Oct-15 | 10 | INE136T01014 | 10 |
AILIMITED | Abhishek Integrations Limited | SM | 21-Jun-21 | 10 | INE0CAJ01017 | 10 |
AIROLAM | Airo Lam limited | SM | 06-Oct-17 | 10 | INE801L01010 | 10 |
AISL | ANI Integrated Services Limited | SM | 20-Nov-17 | 10 | INE635Y01015 | 10 |
AMBANIORG | Ambani Organics Limited | SM | 18-Jul-18 | 10 | INE00C501018 | 10 |
AMJUMBO | A and M Jumbo Bags Limited | SM | 12-Feb-18 | 10 | INE749Y01014 | 10 |
ARTNIRMAN | Art Nirman Limited | SM | 19-Oct-16 | 10 | INE738V01013 | 10 |
ASCOM | Ascom Leasing & Investments Limited | SM | 06-Dec-19 | 10 | INE08KD01015 | 10 |
ASLIND | ASL Industries Limited | SM | 18-Apr-17 | 10 | INE617I01024 | 10 |
ATALREAL | Atal Realtech Limited | SM | 15-Oct-20 | 10 | INE0ALR01011 | 10 |
AURDIS | Aurangabad Distillery Limited | SM | 17-Oct-16 | 10 | INE448V01019 | 10 |
AVG | AVG Logistics Limited | SM | 11-Apr-18 | 10 | INE680Z01018 | 10 |
AVROIND | AVRO INDIA LIMITED | SM | 26-Jul-18 | 10 | INE652Z01017 | 10 |
AVSL | AVSL Industries Limited | SM | 06-Oct-16 | 10 | INE522V01011 | 10 |
BBTCL | B&B Triplewall Containers Limited | SM | 15-Oct-18 | 10 | INE01EE01011 | 10 |
BCONCEPTS | Brand Concepts Limited | SM | 10-Jan-18 | 10 | INE977Y01011 | 10 |
BETA | Beta Drugs Limited | SM | 12-Oct-17 | 10 | INE351Y01019 | 10 |
BEWLTD | BEW Engineering Limited | SM | 16-Sep-21 | 10 | INE0HQI01014 | 10 |
BOHRA | Bohra Industries Limited | SM | 05-Apr-17 | 10 | INE802W01015 | 10 |
BRIGHT | Bright Solar Limited | SM | 09-Jul-18 | 10 | INE684Z01010 | 10 |
BTML | Bodhi Tree Multimedia Limited | SM | 21-Oct-20 | 10 | INE0EEJ01015 | 10 |
CADSYS | Cadsys (India) Limited | SM | 04-Oct-17 | 10 | INE090Y01013 | 10 |
CMMIPL | CMM Infraprojects Limited | SM | 12-Oct-17 | 10 | INE289S01013 | 10 |
CONTI | Continental Seeds and Chemicals Limited | SM | 04-Apr-18 | 10 | INE340Z01019 | 10 |
CROWN | Crown Lifters Limited | SM | 27-Sep-16 | 10 | INE491V01019 | 10 |
DCI | DC Infotech and Communication Limited | SM | 27-Dec-19 | 10 | INE0A1101019 | 10 |
DEVIT | Dev Information Technology Limited | SM | 17-Apr-17 | 10 | INE060X01018 | 10 |
DRL | Dhanuka Realty Limited | SM | 18-Oct-16 | 10 | INE704V01015 | 10 |
DRSDILIP | DRS Dilip Roadlines Limited | SM | 10-Dec-18 | 10 | INE02CV01017 | 10 |
DSML | Debock Sales And Marketing Limited | SM | 05-Jun-18 | 10 | INE411Y01011 | 10 |
DUDIGITAL | DU Digital Technologies Limited | SM | 26-Aug-21 | 10 | INE0HPK01012 | 10 |
E2E | E2E Networks Limited | SM | 15-May-18 | 10 | INE255Z01019 | 10 |
EIFFL | Euro India Fresh Foods Limited | SM | 31-Mar-17 | 10 | INE546V01010 | 10 |
EMKAYTOOLS | Emkay Taps and Cutting Tools Limited | SM | 13-Aug-15 | 10 | INE332S01011 | 10 |
FELIX | Felix Industries Limited | SM | 05-Dec-17 | 10 | INE901X01013 | 10 |
FOCUS | Focus Lighting and Fixtures Limited | SM | 13-Apr-17 | 10 | INE593W01010 | 10 |
GICL | Globe International Carriers Limited | SM | 19-Oct-16 | 10 | INE947T01014 | 10 |
GIRIRAJ | Giriraj Civil Developers Limited | SM | 02-Apr-18 | 10 | INE614Z01017 | 10 |
GOLDSTAR | Goldstar Power Limited | SM | 10-Oct-17 | 10 | INE405Y01013 | 10 |
GRETEX | Gretex Industries Limited | SM | 14-Oct-16 | 10 | INE985P01012 | 10 |
HECPROJECT | HEC Infra Projects Limited | SM | 30-Mar-16 | 10 | INE558R01013 | 10 |
HPIL | Hindprakash Industries Limited | SM | 27-Jan-20 | 10 | INE05X901010 | 10 |
INNOVANA | Innovana Thinklabs Limited | SM | 12-Dec-17 | 10 | INE403Y01018 | 10 |
INNOVATIVE | Innovative Tyres and Tubes Limited | SM | 05-Oct-17 | 10 | INE070Y01015 | 10 |
JAKHARIA | JAKHARIA FABRIC LIMITED | SM | 11-Jul-18 | 10 | INE00N401018 | 10 |
JALAN | Jalan Transolutions (India) Limited | SM | 31-May-17 | 10 | INE349X01015 | 10 |
JETFREIGHT | Jet Freight Logistics Limited | SM | 06-Dec-16 | 10 | INE982V01017 | 10 |
JETKNIT | Jet Knitwears Limited | SM | 07-Oct-16 | 10 | INE564T01017 | 10 |
KHFM | Khfm Hospitality And Facility Management Services Limited | SM | 12-Apr-19 | 10 | INE00UG01014 | 10 |
KKVAPOW | KKV Agro Powers Limited | SM | 15-Jul-16 | 10 | INE239T01016 | 10 |
KRITIKA | Kritika Wires Limited | SM | 10-Oct-18 | 10 | INE00Z501011 | 10 |
KSHITIJPOL | Kshitij Polyline Limited | SM | 08-Oct-18 | 10 | INE013801019 | 10 |
KSOLVES | Ksolves India Limited | SM | 06-Jul-20 | 10 | INE0D6I01015 | 10 |
LATTEYS | Latteys Industries Limited | SM | 05-Jun-18 | 10 | INE262Z01015 | 10 |
LAXMICOT | Laxmi Cotspin Limited | SM | 31-Mar-17 | 10 | INE801V01019 | 10 |
LEXUS | Lexus Granito (India) Limited | SM | 23-Aug-17 | 10 | INE500X01013 | 10 |
LGHL | Laxmi Goldorna House Limited | SM | 16-Apr-20 | 10 | INE258Y01016 | 10 |
MAHICKRA | Mahickra Chemicals Limited | SM | 26-Apr-18 | 10 | INE961Y01015 | 10 |
MANAV | Manav Infra Projects Limited | SM | 18-Sep-17 | 10 | INE104Y01012 | 10 |
MARSHALL | Marshall Machines Limited | SM | 07-Sep-18 | 10 | INE00SZ01018 | 10 |
MDL | Marvel Decor Limited | SM | 23-Mar-18 | 10 | INE575Z01010 | 10 |
MHHL | Mohini Health & Hygiene Limited | SM | 16-Feb-18 | 10 | INE450S01011 | 10 |
MILTON | Milton Industries Limited | SM | 16-Oct-17 | 10 | INE376Y01016 | 10 |
MINDPOOL | Mindpool Technologies Limited | SM | 28-Feb-19 | 10 | INE00RQ01019 | 10 |
MITCON | MITCON Consultancy & Engineering Services Limited | SM | 01-Nov-13 | 10 | INE828O01033 | 10 |
MKPL | M K Proteins Limited | SM | 18-Apr-17 | 10 | INE964W01013 | 10 |
MPTODAY | Madhya Pradesh Today Media Limited | SM | 29-Sep-17 | 10 | INE105Y01019 | 10 |
NARMADA | Narmada Agrobase Limited | SM | 19-Apr-18 | 10 | INE117Z01011 | 10 |
NPST | Network People Services Technologies Limited | SM | 10-Aug-21 | 10 | INE0FFK01017 | 10 |
OMFURN | Omfurn India Limited | SM | 13-Oct-17 | 10 | INE338Y01016 | 10 |
OSIAHYPER | Osia Hyper Retail Limited | SM | 05-Apr-19 | 10 | INE06IR01013 | 10 |
OSWALSEEDS | ShreeOswal Seeds And Chemicals Limited | SM | 20-Jun-18 | 10 | INE00IK01011 | 10 |
PANSARI | Pansari Developers Limited | SM | 18-Oct-16 | 10 | INE697V01011 | 10 |
PARIN | Parin Furniture Limited | SM | 09-Oct-18 | 10 | INE00U801010 | 10 |
PARTYCRUS | Party Cruisers Limited | SM | 05-Mar-21 | 10 | INE06ZX01015 | 10 |
PASHUPATI | Pashupati Cotspin Limited | SM | 08-Sep-17 | 10 | INE124Y01010 | 10 |
PAVNAIND | Pavna Industries Limited | SM | 09-Mar-21 | 10 | INE07S101020 | 10 |
PENTAGOLD | Penta Gold Limited | SM | 25-Apr-18 | 10 | INE175Y01012 | 10 |
PERFECT | Perfect Infraengineers Limited | SM | 20-Nov-15 | 10 | INE925S01012 | 10 |
PIGL | Power & Instrumentation (Gujarat) Limited | SM | 23-Apr-18 | 10 | INE557Z01018 | 10 |
PRITI | Priti International Limited | SM | 21-Jun-18 | 10 | INE974Z01015 | 10 |
PROLIFE | Prolife Industries Limited | SM | 09-Jan-17 | 10 | INE994V01012 | 10 |
PULZ | Pulz Electronics Limited | SM | 24-Nov-17 | 10 | INE335X01014 | 10 |
QUADPRO | Quadpro Ites Limited | ST | 30-Sep-21 | 2 | INE0GOJ01027 | 2 |
RELIABLE | Reliable Data Services Limited | SM | 11-Oct-17 | 10 | INE375Y01018 | 10 |
REXPIPES | Rex Pipes And Cables Industries Limited | SM | 10-Aug-21 | 10 | INE00D001018 | 10 |
RMDRIP | R M Drip and Sprinklers Systems Limited | SM | 04-Oct-17 | 10 | INE219Y01018 | 10 |
RPPL | Rajshree Polypack Limited | SM | 24-Sep-18 | 10 | INE760W01015 | 10 |
SARVESHWAR | Sarveshwar Foods Limited | SM | 15-Mar-18 | 10 | INE324X01018 | 10 |
SECL | Salasar Exteriors and Contour Limited | SM | 12-Sep-19 | 10 | INE00Y701018 | 10 |
SECURCRED | SecUR Credentials Limited | SM | 13-Nov-17 | 10 | INE195Y01010 | 10 |
SHAIVAL | Shaival Reality Limited | SM | 01-Oct-15 | 10 | INE262S01010 | 10 |
SHIVAUM | Shiv Aum Steels Limited | SM | 01-Oct-19 | 10 | INE719F01016 | 10 |
SHUBHLAXMI | Shubhlaxmi Jewel Art Limited | SM | 04-Dec-18 | 10 | INE01Z401013 | 10 |
SIDDHIKA | Siddhika Coatings Limited | SM | 07-Apr-21 | 10 | INE0A1E01018 | 10 |
SIGMA | Sigma Solve Limited | SM | 19-Oct-20 | 10 | INE0A0S01010 | 10 |
SIKKO | Sikko Industries Limited | SM | 18-Apr-17 | 10 | INE112X01017 | 10 |
SILVERTUC | Silver Touch Technologies Limited | SM | 01-Dec-17 | 10 | INE625X01018 | 10 |
SKSTEXTILE | SKS Textiles Limited | SM | 19-Jan-18 | 10 | INE507Y01016 | 10 |
SMVD | SMVD Poly Pack Limited | SM | 26-Dec-17 | 10 | INE702Y01013 | 10 |
SOFTTECH | Softtech Engineers Limited | SM | 11-May-18 | 10 | INE728Z01015 | 10 |
SOLEX | Solex Energy Limited | SM | 05-Feb-18 | 10 | INE880Y01017 | 10 |
SONAHISONA | Sona Hi Sona Jewellers (Gujarat) Limited | SM | 15-Oct-19 | 10 | INE06MH01016 | 10 |
SONAMCLOCK | Sonam Clock Limited | SM | 14-Jun-18 | 10 | INE00LM01011 | 10 |
SONISOYA | Soni Soya Products Limited | SZ | 12-Apr-18 | 10 | INE301Z01011 | 10 |
SPECTRUM | Spectrum Electrical Industries Limited | SM | 01-Oct-18 | 10 | INE01EO01010 | 10 |
SRIRAM | Shri Ram Switchgears Limited | SM | 07-Jun-17 | 10 | INE634W01012 | 10 |
SSINFRA | S.S. Infrastructure Development Consultants Limited | SM | 12-Apr-18 | 10 | INE182Z01015 | 10 |
SURANI | Surani Steel Tubes Limited | SM | 06-Feb-19 | 10 | INE01ZJ01015 | 10 |
SVLL | Shree Vasu Logistics Limited | SM | 04-Jun-18 | 10 | INE00CE01017 | 10 |
TARACHAND | Tara Chand Logistic Solutions Limited | SM | 23-Mar-18 | 10 | INE555Z01012 | 10 |
THEJO | Thejo Engineering Limited | SM | 18-Sep-12 | 10 | INE121N01019 | 10 |
TIRUPATI | Shree Tirupati Balajee FIBC Limited | SM | 05-Oct-17 | 10 | INE238Y01018 | 10 |
TRANSWIND | Transwind Infrastructures Limited | SM | 12-Jul-17 | 10 | INE792X01016 | 10 |
UCL | Ushanti Colour Chem Limited | SM | 02-Aug-18 | 10 | INE00NI01015 | 10 |
UNIINFO | Uniinfo Telecom Services Limited | SM | 15-Mar-18 | 10 | INE481Z01011 | 10 |
UNITEDPOLY | United Polyfab Gujarat Limited | SM | 07-Jun-16 | 10 | INE368U01011 | 10 |
URAVI | Uravi T and Wedge Lamps Limited | SM | 28-Mar-18 | 10 | INE568Z01015 | 10 |
UWCSL | Ultra Wiring Connectivity System Limited | SM | 26-Oct-18 | 10 | INE00F301010 | 10 |
VASA | Vasa Retail and Overseas Ltd | SM | 06-Feb-18 | 10 | INE068Z01016 | 10 |
VCL | Vaxtex Cotfab Limited | SM | 13-Jan-20 | 10 | INE098201010 | 10 |
VERA | Vera Synthetic Limited | SM | 12-Apr-18 | 10 | INE709Z01015 | 10 |
VINNY | Vinny Overseas Limited | SM | 11-Oct-18 | 10 | INE01KI01019 | 10 |
VMARCIND | V Marc India Limited | SM | 09-Apr-21 | 10 | INE0GXK01018 | 10 |
VSCL | Vadivarhe Speciality Chemicals Limited | SM | 02-Jun-17 | 10 | INE551Q01028 | 10 |
WALPAR | Walpar Nutritions Limited | SM | 13-Jul-21 | 10 | INE0G2G01015 | 10 |
WEWIN | WE WIN LIMITED | SM | 09-Aug-17 | 10 | INE082W01014 | 10 |
WFL | Wonder Fibromats Limited | SM | 06-Aug-19 | 10 | INE02WG01016 | 10 |
ZODIAC | Zodiac Energy Limited | SM | 05-Dec-17 | 10 | INE761Y01019 | 10 |
So these are the list of NSE SME stocks (sme companies in India)
SME Company
The following are the requirement of SME Company to be listed in SME Platform
- Post issue paid up capital (face value) upto Rs.25 crore
- Track record of atleast 3 years
- Positive networth
- Operating profit from operations for at least any 2 out of 3 financial years
For Technology Startups
- Post issue paid up capital (face value) up to Rs.25 crore
- Track record of at least 3 years
- Positive net worth
- Annual Revenue : Not less than 10 Crs
- Annual Growth : 20% (Number of Users/Revenue Growth/Customer base)